Fae Noir_The Murderer in Blue by Katelynn Alexandrea

Fae Noir_The Murderer in Blue by Katelynn Alexandrea

Author:Katelynn Alexandrea [Alexandrea, Katelynn]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Amazon: B07Y1TK495
Goodreads: 48248175
Published: 2019-09-22T00:00:00+00:00

The White

Stepping back into the Fae Woods, after being gone so long felt alien. Strange. Magic was much more prevalent here. It felt wrong. Like I didn't belong here. I didn't, really. I was willing to wager that if I went looking for my pond scum covered home, the pond would probably be gone.

The woods, themselves, had a reaction to my returning. They had never reacted this way before.

Flowers bloomed. Trees whose leaves had begun to turn for the fall were suddenly lively and green again.

There was a sudden collective gasp from the fairies, as I stepped in to the group of them.

"Azura." The boss fairy said, quietly. "Are you responsible for this?" She seemed bewildered that I was the one approaching them.

"What am I being blamed for this time?" I asked.

"We've all been informed by the woods that a white fairy performed an impossible miracle, but there aren't any white Fae." The boss fairy said, evenly.

"I'm the black fairy, idiot." I chastised her. "I don't even have wings anymore."

"What are those, then?" She demanded.

I turned my head over my shoulder, and froze.

Translucent wings with white star patterns were on my back. I traced one of the stars, in shocked silence.

"That's not possible." I said, quietly.

"Azura, what did you do?" The boss fairy asked. "No black fairy has ever done this before."

"I-" I paused.

I stopped to think about Bailey. Her belief in me. That I was some valiant hero. That I would always be there to keep her safe. That I would catch this monster, and any other monster I could.

That I loved her.

That Bailey loved me.

I blinked.

"I prevented an unjust death." I said, quietly. "I reached out with three simple words, and forced Death to return someone who didn't deserve to die."

Then, I laughed.

I laughed a disturbing laugh. It had a steady cadence, and I didn't seem to ever need to breathe. It lasted for a few minutes and it seemed to cause distress in the Fae around me.

"That kind of magic hasn't happened in HUNDREDS OF YEARS!" The boss fairy shouted. "How did you accumulate enough belief for that?"

I smiled, and took a deep breath, before walking towards the exit of the Fae Woods.

I didn't need her help. Their help. None of them. The answer to my inquiry was clear, and obvious, and it's realization cleared my head.

I was the White Fairy, now.

Guardian of the purest of all magic.

"Azura!" The boss fairy shouted.

"The very strongest of magic." I said, calmly, before stepping towards the exit. "Something none of you could ever hope to find, and most of you assuredly don't deserve, but all of you should definitely seek out."

Nobody tried to stop me, this time.

Nobody even lifted a wand.

They knew my future could never be here.

The woods probably wouldn't have tolerated it anyway.

The Fae Woods bent to the will of the strongest fairy.

The boss wasn't that any more.


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